It continues very dry and hot down here. No appearance of rain very soon. Crops all dying.

Mrs. Eugenia Moody from Sneed Ranch spent a few days visiting relatives here this week.

Mrs. Rutlege of Western Texas has been spending some time with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Tuttle.

B. J. Patrick is conducting a meeting at Crenshaw this week.

A. S. Butts and his better half, visited a Travis Saturday and Sunday.

J. H. Weldon is making preparations to move to Jones County in the near future.

Crops are suffering very much for want of rain period. Lots of them are burnt up for want of rain.

Mrs. Carrie Williams of Rosebud spent last week with friends here at attended the meeting.

The meeting closed Tuesday at 11 o'clock with seven accessions to the church, six of whom were by baptism.

J. D. Butts, Zelma Butts, and Miss Mattie Collins leave Thursday for Light, this date, on a ten day visit to E. J. Wilcox and family.

J. B. Rutts will complete work on his new residence in a few s (sic).

It seems like the new railroad has about fallen out, as you never hear anything about it now.

The Marlin Democrat, Marlin, TX, August 22, 1907, page 5, column 3.
